Teens Weekend Camp new!


Children of the Arctic


Great Adventure


Youth Expedition to the North Pole

A ski tour to the North Pole

The Museum of the Yacht Apostol Andrey



To the North Pole during polar night


Polar Passage `2000

Third circumnavigation of
the yacht Apostol Andrey

Dr. Hanpel’s Expedition

Korean team in the Bering Strait

Following in Dr. Cook’s tracks

Expedition of Prince Albert II to the North Pole

25 years together with the North Pole

Great Russian Race

Second circumnavigation of the yacht Apostol Andrey

First circumnavigation of
the yacht Apostol Andrey

Siberia Expedition

Ascent of Mt. McKinley

Eduard Toll’s Treasure

Dezhnev, Pronchishchev, Lassenius

Bering Strait

Mystery of Lassenius

Pronchishchev’s Land

Challenging Greenland

Truck Global Expedition

Expedition of Gilles Elkaim

Dmitry Shparo


Matvey Shparo




Projects 1989-2013


Press media publications


Plan of courses


Arctic and Antarctic expeditionary centre Polus
Arctic and Antarctic expeditionary centre Polus
Arctic and Antarctic expeditionary centre Polus






































































































Organization of expeditions and varrious adventurous projects

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The historical-archaeological expedition of the Adventure Club

The patron of the expedition –
Admiral of the Fleet Vladimir I. Kuroedov, Commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy.

Objectives of the expedition:

  1. Search of the burial place and excavations of the grave of Lieutenant Peter Lassenius (the mouth of the Khara-Ulakh River).
  2. Search of the burial place and excavations of the grave of the Ivan Filatov, the physician of the Pronchishchev's detachment (Ust Olenek settlement).
  3. Additional investigations of the grave of Vasily and Tatiana Pronshishchev (Ust-Olenek settlement).
  4. Archeological excavations of the Russian trade settlement of XVII-XVIII centuries, related to the names of Semeyn Dezhnev and Ivan Rebrov (the mouth of the Olenek River).

The dates and the areas of works:

The expedition will be carried out from July 1 up to July 30, 2002 at the territory of the Bulunsky region of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia).

The leader of the expedition: Sergey Yepishkin.

The expedition is organized under support of the Russian Navy and the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Air Forces.

Sponsors of the Expedition:

  • Bank Dialog-Optim (Moscow),
  • Marine Assembly,
  • Morsviazsputnik,
  • Company "Normal",
  • Company "Sket" (Moscow).

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